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White Petals Page 14
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Page 14
I knew that I had a choice: I could move out of the way, I could let her hurt me, or I could take control of the situation and hurt her instead. Nobody knew that I could hear her coming. As far as everybody else was concerned, I had my back to Stacey Lock – how could I possibly know that she was behind me? I could get her before she had the chance to get me, and I wouldn’t get into trouble for it because I could make it look like an accident!
Thump. Thump. Thump.
The sound of her footsteps was suffocating. She was in my head, and I wanted her out.
I started to panic. What should I do?If I did something to harm Stacey, then I would be just as bad as her. I couldn’t stoop that low. Could I?
But if I didn’t do anything, then she would hurt me instead.
I couldn’t think straight with the thud of her footsteps.
No. I wouldn’t do anything. I couldn’t do anything.
My shoulders slumped, defeated by my own lack of courage. Who was I trying to fool? I was a coward. I didn’t have the guts to do anything to Stacey Lock.
I closed my eyes and waited for whatever was going to happen next.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Here she was.
I braced myself for what was coming.
‘Aunty Zoe reckons that they’re all psychic nuts in that family! Casting spells to get their wicked way,’ said Stacey’s voice. ‘It’s about time my family had some justice for what her slutty grandmother did!’
What the Donald Duck was she talking about? Why would she call my grandmother slutty?What had my grandmother ever done to her family? Which grandmother was she talking about? Grandma Coalman or Nana Rose? And how did Zoe-two-doors-up know about our gifts? I had so many questions going round in my head!
‘Look at her; all sweet and innocent,’ said Stacey. ‘She’s as much of a back-stabber as her grandmother. They’re man-stealing tarts, the lot of them!’
Man-stealing tarts? That made no sense! I had never stolen anyone’s boyfriend. And why would she call my grandmother a back-stabber?
‘The whole family are complete weirdoes,’ she vented. ‘Back-stabbing, slutty weirdos.’
How dare she talk about my family like that!
I took a deep breath.
‘It wouldn’t surprise me if she was a mental case, just like her mother,’ said Stacey. ‘But a psychic? HA! Don’t make me laugh! Smellmeline is nowhere near cool enough for that. She’s just a useless nerd who comes from a family of freaks.’
She laughed and an angry heat rose up through my stomach. The sound of her breath just behind my neck let me know that she was there.
Screw it. I was going to teach this bitch a lesson!
Before she had the chance to do anything to me, I slipped my leg backwards, hooked her foot and tripped her up.
She crashed to the floor and lay in a mangled heap.
Everyone gasped.
She stared up at me in shock.
I glared at her.
Everything was silent, except for a few whispers in the corridor.
Stacey Lock got up, brushed herself off and wiped a tiny bit of blood away from her lip.
‘I’m sorry, Stacey,’ I said, feigning innocence. ‘It was an accident.’
She looked like she wanted to kill me. ‘You’re an accident, you stupid tramp!’ she shouted, red in the face, a mix of embarrassment and rage. ‘I’ll get you backfor this!’
‘Oh, come on, Stacey!’ Ollie defended me. ‘You heard her apologise. She didn’t mean to do it. It was an accident!’
Megan was quiet.
‘Yeah, right!’ Stacey shouted. ‘She did it on purpose! You’ll be sorry, Smellmeline.’
‘I said I was sorry, Stacey.’ I made sure that I kept eye contact when I spoke to her. ‘How was I supposed to know that you were behind me?’
She came closer, trying to intimidate me. I stayed where I was and tried not to show any fear. We stood like that for a moment before I leaned in and whispered, ‘After all, I’mjust a useless nerd who comes from a family of freaks.’
She blinked as the colour drained from her face. She gawked at me, astonished.
I stayed rooted to the spot – half of me enjoying the fear in her expression, the other half too afraid to move.
The bell went, and the silence was broken by the doors opening and everyone pushing and shoving their way into the classrooms. I felt like I’d been in a trance and before I had the chance to consider the consequences of what I’d just done, Stacey Lock had disappeared.
Megan, Ollie and I followed the rest of the line into registration class. Megan was looking at me strangely. I didn’t meet her eye as I walked.
‘How did you know she was coming behind you?’ she asked.
‘I didn’t know she was behind me,’ I replied. ‘I told you, it was an accident.’
Megan raised her eyebrows to show that she didn’t believe me. ‘It didn’t look like much of an accident to me,’ she said.
I didn’t say anything else. Both of us knew not to push it any further. I was grateful that she left it alone. If there was one person who had known me long enough to not be fooled, it was Megan. But I also knew that I couldn’t tell her what was happening to me – I was only just beginning to figure it all out for myself. I didn’t like keeping secrets from her, but this was an exception.
As for Stacey Lock, she wouldn’t say anything. Would she?Well, nobody would believe her even if she did. Who in their right mind was going to believe that I was psychic?
I wasn’t going to worry about that. I wanted to enjoy this moment and allow myself to be smug. HA! The look on her face! It felt so good to be the winner for once.
This was the first time that this clairaudience stuff had actually come in useful. I was buzzing with energy. I felt connected to myself in a way that I had never experienced before, and it felt so … so … powerful.
Only problem was, I could hear Mum’s nagging voice in the back of my head, trying to spoil things.
‘As cheesy as it sounds, we do have a responsibility to use our gift for good. If you abuse it, let me tell you … karma can be a real bitch.’
Well, I refused to feel bad. It was self-defence, wasn’t it? The girl was going to trip me up. I just got to her first, that’s all. I hadn’t done anything wrong, had I?
I had got the better of Stacey Lock, and I loved it.
Hopefully, she would think twice before trying to hurt me again.
‘So, have you four decided what you want to watch at the pictures?’ Gladys Friday asked Bett, Little Charlie, Tyler and me.
We all spoke at once, trying to shout over each other. Little Charlie wanted to watch the same film as me, and Bett and Tyler both wanted to watch the same action film. So, it was settled – Gladys Friday would come in with Little Charlie and me, and Big Jim would go in with Bett and Tyler.
I always felt a bit bad for the others when we went to the cinema on Reward Night. The rule was that you could only go if you went to school. So the ones that didn’t go to school were never allowed to come with us, and it sucked because it would have been even more fun with Karra, Quinn and Beano. But rules were rules, I suppose.
There was a lot of babble going on at the dining tables. Gladys Friday and the girls were absorbed in gossip as she laid out the knives and forks, ready for tea. I was curious to know what they were talking about, because the girls were waving their hands around like they were on a chat show and Gladys Friday kept frowning and shaking her head.
‘What’s going on?’ I asked.
‘I’ll tell her!’ Quinn started to explain.
‘No, I’ll tell her!’ Little Charlie spoke over her, and they continued to squabble over who would tell me what, until Bett strolled past nonchalantly and said, ‘Karra’s been dumped.’
‘OH, BETT!’ The girls frowned and folded their arms.
‘Well, you were taking ages,’ said Bett. ‘She would have been to
the cinema and back by the time you two got round to breaking the news.’
‘Why can’t you keep your big gob shut, Betty Morris?’ Quinn scowled.
‘You’re just jealous.’ Bett folded her arms.
‘Jealous of you?’ Quinn laughed. ‘You wish.’
‘Yes. You’re jealous because I was told first, instead of you and Little Charlie.’
‘Karra only told you first because we weren’t here,’ said Quinn.
‘She told me first because she likes me better.’ Bett scrunched her nose up at Quinn.
‘Worrevs.’ Quinn put her hand up in Bett’s face.
‘Worrevs, back to you.’ Bett shoved her own hand into Quinn’s face and they both stood there with a hand blocking each other’s faces, refusing to move.
‘Shut up, Betty Morris. Or else I’ll deck you,’ said Quinn. ‘Go away and play with your little friend over there.’ Quinn looked over at Tyler, who was playing on the Wii.
‘You shut up, Quinn Davies,’ replied Bett. ‘I don’t want to hang around here with you, anyway. You’re a boring, old trout.’
Quinn looked infuriated. ‘What did you just call me?’
‘You heard,’ said Bett.
Big Jim shouted at the girls. ‘If I have to sort you two out again today, I won’t be amused. So leave it there, or things will just get nasty. Bett, get over here – I need help with this crossword.’
Bett walked away and Quinn put two fingers up the side of each nostril and moved them up and down, pretending to scratch her nose.
I looked at the girls. ‘Are you serious about Karra?’ I asked.
‘Yep,’ Little Charlie replied. ‘Lucas dumped her.’
Quinn shook her head with sympathy.
Poor Karra. I wondered where she was now.
‘She’s in her room,’ said Gladys Friday, reading my mind.
‘She doesn’t want to talk to anybody yet. So just leave it, yeah?’ Quinn warned.
‘Come on, you lot!’ Gladys Friday shouted to everyone. ‘GRUB’S UP!’
Karra looked absolutely miserable. She hardly ate any food, and her eyes were a little bloodshot from where she’d obviously been crying. We couldn’t console her, because whenever anyone tried to show her any affection, she would scowl at them and tell them to go and fudge themselves. I suppose everyone deals with grief differently.
Bett and Tyler sat on the middle table, talking about the film they were going to watch in the cinema.
‘BOOM!’ Bett threw her arms in the air. ‘The baddie blows the place up like that, and then Ryan Gosling comes crashing in with his top off to save the day. I saw it on the adverts. I can’t wait.’
‘Did you see the bit with the shark?’ Tyler looked excited.
‘YESSSS!’ Bett shouted. ‘Oh, Man! When the shark jumps up to attack the girl, Ryan Gosling comes running to save her with his top off … again. It’s going to be AWESOME!’
Tyler didn’t look so impressed. ‘Why has Ryan Gosling always got his top off?’
‘Because he’s the King,’ said Bett.
‘Oh.’ Tyler shrugged. ‘Fair enough.’
Gladys Friday shook her head and said, ‘I’m glad I’m going in with Emmeline and Little Charlie. I don’t know if my blood pressure could take all that action.’
‘What are you two going to watch?’ Karra looked at me and Little Charlie.
‘That new one that’s just come out, with the three girls that go on holiday together,’ said Little Charlie. ‘It looks amazeballs.’
Karra sighed. ‘I loved the trailer for that. Can I come too, Gladys Friday?’
‘No, Karra,’ said Gladys Friday. ‘You know the rules. Only people who go to school have Reward Night at the end of the week.’
‘But Gladys Friday,’ Karra pleaded. ‘I’m depressed.’
‘I know you are, Karra. But I can’t change the rules for one person or I’d have to change them for everyone.’
‘Please, Gladys Friday?’ Karra looked desperate. ‘I could really do with getting out of this place for a couple of hours.’
Gladys Friday frowned. ‘I’m sorry, Karra. It’s not happening, love.’
‘Fine,’ said Karra, although she clearly wasn’t.
Quinn was talking about the hair dye she had bought ready for tonight. ‘Why don’t you stay in with me, babe?’ Quinn offered Karra. ‘You can help me dye my hair purple. And I’ve got a lovely red dye upstairs that would look lush on you.’
‘I already am a redhead.’ Karra rolled her eyes.
‘Oh, yeah!’ Quinn laughed at her own stupidity. ‘It doesn’t matter, though. Now you can be even redder. You’ll look fierce.’
‘Not interested.’ Karra looked away.
Why did she have to be so mean all the time? OK, she wasn’t feeling very good, but there was no need to be so rude to everyone. It annoyed me that just because she was in a bad mood, she had to bring everyone else down with her. I felt sorry for Karra, but it wasn’t our fault that we were going to the cinema and she wasn’t. If she went to school, then she would be able to go.
Beano studied Karra from the bottom table. He watched her as he put a forkful of food into his mouth.
‘What happened with Lucas?’ he called across the tables to Karra.
‘He dumped her,’ said Little Charlie.
‘Like a sack of crap,’ Quinn emphasised the point.
‘Cheers, girls,’ said Karra. ‘Nice to know your friends are there to support you at times like this.’
Quinn and Little Charlie looked pleased at what they thought was a compliment.
‘Why did he dump you?’ Beano asked.
‘Mind your own business!’ Karra snapped.
‘I was only asking!’
‘Yeah, well, don’t.’ Karra sulked.
‘Not being funny or anything, but Lucas is a tosser,’ said Quinn. ‘I mean, what kind of boy dumps a girl just because she won’t sleep with him?’
Quinn and Little Charlie shook their heads.
Karra looked up from her plate, completely mortified. ‘Oh-my-life, Quinn! Tell the whole world, why don’t you!’
‘Sorry!’ Quinn folded her arms.
‘Quinn is right,’ said Beano. ‘If a boy really likes you, stuff like that doesn’t matter. And if it does matter, then he doesn’t really like you.’
Karra’s face softened a little, and Beano smiled kindly at her.
‘Just out of curiosity,’ Little Charlie leaned in to ask Karra, ‘why didn’t you?’
‘Why didn’t I what?’
‘You know…’ Little Charlie raised her eyebrows and whistled.
‘Because I didn’t want to!’ Karra replied in a huff. ‘I know everyone thinks I’m a tart, but I’m not. I don’t sleep around. Specially not with boys who have been with skanks like Sticky Vicky.’
‘Good for you!’ Beano shouted.
‘Yeah!’ said Quinn. ‘And she was on the blob anyway, so she wouldn’t have been able to do anything, even if she wanted to.’
Karra looked shocked. ‘QUINN!’ she shouted. ‘What is wrong with you?’
‘Sorry!’ Quinn put her hand over her mouth.
Karra’s cheeks turned rosy.
‘For future reference, just in case me and you ever get it on,’ Beano called across the tables to Karra, ‘I wouldn’t mind waiting for you. I’d just keep having sex with you in my head.’
‘BEANO!’ Gladys Friday shouted at him.
‘EWWW!’ All the girls echoed each other.
Big Jim clipped Beano around the ear. ‘I don’t want to hear things like that coming from your mouth again, boy!’ he told Beano off. ‘You’re better than that. Have some respect, will you?’
‘Ouch!’ Beano rubbed his ear. ‘Sorry! I was just joking.’
Gladys Friday and Big Jim started clearing the plates from the tables. Everyone made our excuses not to help, and then we made a run for it as fast as we could.
Tyler and Bett were the only ones left behind, still finishing t
heir meals.
‘This place has gone really downhill,’ said Bett. ‘All this talk about … sex.’
‘I know,’ Tyler agreed. ‘Filth.’
I ran some lipgloss over my lips, put on my shoes and grabbed my lucky cardigan, ready to run downstairs.
As I went along the corridor, I could hear Bett’s thundering jogging footsteps coming from the opposite direction. I braced myself and stood still, knowing any moment now, she would come skidding around the corner.
‘BOOM!’ She threw her arms up in the air and shouted as she raced past me, her big backside covered in bright blue velour trackie-bottoms.
‘You look smart!’ I complimented her as she stopped by the mirror.
‘Thanks, Emmeline Rose. You look nice, too. I would have lent you something a bit more glamorous, but you have to be a certain type to be able to pull off a look like this.’ She proudly ran her hands down her body.
‘I know,’ I replied. ‘Thanks, anyway. You look lovely.’
She smiled and shyly adjusted her T-shirt. It had ‘Don’t Touch What You Can’t Afford’ written on the front.
I put my lucky cardigan over the back of the chair in the dining area and checked that I had everything I needed in my bag.
Quinn and Karra came over to talk to us.
‘Are you looking forward to your film?’ Quinn was examining the box of hair dye that she’d bought. ‘Save me some popcorn, will you? And just so you know, I’m probably going to have purple hair by the time you get back.’
‘I can’t wait,’ said Little Charlie, with a big smile on her face.
‘For what?’ asked Quinn. ‘The film or my epic purple hair?’
‘Both!’ Little Charlie beamed.
‘Alright, alright,’ said Karra. ‘Don’t rub it in, you knob-cheese.’
‘OK, Karra.’ I frowned a little. ‘Leave her alone. She didn’t mean anything by it. She’s just excited, that’s all.’
‘Shut up, Em,’ Karra hissed at me.
Usually, I wouldn’t say anything, but today had been a great day for me and I was annoyed that she was trying to spoil my good mood. Well, I had already dealt with one bully today, so I was sure that I could deal with another.